So Pandora may have the Music Genome Project, but around my house we’ve got a subscription to Rhapsody and some wicked free association.* Every now and then my husband and I will be listening to a song that reminds one of us of another song, that then leads us to another, and so on and so on until we’ve built a large and beautifully random playlist.
This is never a planned activity. We don’t ever finish up dinner and say to one another, “Let’s pick a song and then listen to whatever it makes us think of next. . . that would be fun, right?” We don’t pencil in Music Night on our calendar. It just happens, on a random Tuesday over a nice post-dinner beer. Two people who love music with thousands and thousands of songs at their finger tips. Just a little modern-day music magic.
Here’s our most recent creation:
Battle of Who Could Care Less – Ben Folds Five
Got My Own Thing Now – Squirrel Nut Zippers
Hell – Squirrel Nut Zippers
Jet City Woman – Queensryche
Silent Lucidity – Queensryche
Against All Odds – Phil Collins
Separate Lives – Phil Collins
The Next Time I Fall – Peter Cetera & Amy Grant
Does Anybody Really Know What Time it Is – Chicago
Saturday in the Park – Chicago
25 Or 6 to 4 – Chicago
Fire – Jimi Hendrix
Hey Joe – Jimi Hendrix
The Bear – Stephen Kellogg & the Sixers
4th of July – Stephen Kellogg & the Sixers
Gravity – Stephen Kellogg & the Sixers
Defying Gravity – Indina Menzel/Kristin Chenoweth (from Wicked)
Happy random listening and loving, folks!
*Make no mistake, I am in no way disparaging Pandora. I’m a huge fan and those genomes have led me to some fabulous artists.