The Moments that Define Us

CM PhotoThe picture above is of my friend Cecile.  She was the one behind the camera in the photo of me from last week’s post.  She was often behind the camera, as evidenced by the number of pictures in my shoebox from those flannel-clad and crazy-haired high school years.  This picture is a rare glimpse behind that camera.  But Cecile gave me a lot more than the duplicate copies of the pictures she took.  I treasure the moments like the one pictured above, full of laughter and sunlight; but it was in the darkest of moments, following her death, that she taught me the most . . .

I reflect on this in my essay in the August issue of The Write Life Magazine.  Click on one of the images below to download and read my article.

Write Life cover
Click the image above for the tablet and smart phone version.
write life article
Click the image above for the PDF version.










Thanks for reading!  I’ve love to hear about your pivotal moment in the comments below!

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2 thoughts on “The Moments that Define Us”

  1. Pingback: Death & Lasagna | Mary Chris Escobar

  2. Pingback: Death & Lasagna | Mary Chris Escobar

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