A Letter to My Goddaughter

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This past Sunday I became a godmother (Of the non-fairy variety, to the best of my knowledge.  If I suddenly sprout wings, you’ll be the first to know).  My husband and I were thrilled to “attend” the christening of our goddaughter in Birmingham, England via telephone.  We feel so honored to be included in her life in this way. I’ve been reflecting a lot on my hopes for her.  Here are just a few of them:

Dear J—

I hope you have a wild imagination and that you never stop indulging it.

I hope you understand that you don’t have to have your entire life planned out. It’s likely things won’t go according to those plans, anyway.

Sometimes the world gets noisy, I hope you will always be able to hear your own voice above the clatter.

I hope you are brave.

I hope you are kind.

Sometimes bravery shakes under the skin just as much as fear.  Sometimes kindness can be hard.  I hope you’ll embrace them anyway.

I hope you have a friend you can laugh with late into the night.

I hope you have a friend you can talk to about anything, and know you are heard and loved.

Sometimes you are lucky enough to meet someone who is both of the above. I was. I hope you will have a friend just like your mom has always been to me.



PS – I also plan to teach you how to drive a stick shift, calculate tips in your head, open a bottle of wine with a bartender’s corkscrew (because sometimes that elaborate Rabbit thing isn’t around), and appreciate a fine craft-brewed ale.


Thank you so much for stopping by my site and reading this!  If you feel inspired to write your own letter(s) to your goddaughter, check out this cute journal.

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