Encore Moments


There are those moments which, if given the chance, you might go back in time and change some things, do some things a little differently. And then there are the magic moments. The ones that you wouldn’t change a single thing about. The ones you would repeat over and over if you could, and yet you’re hesitant to try, lest they lose their spark. Here are just a few of mine.

  • There’s the concert I went to alone, because I wanted to. Because I had finally learned that I could.
  • The late evening chat on the windowsill (see photo above) with one of my closest friends, miles away from home, about love and life and the future and all things that are nebulous, messy and terrifyingly exhilarating when you’re 25.
  • There’s the night I looked across the table in a dive bar and realized I could spend the rest of my life with the person sitting there sipping his beer.
  • The time I was chopping vegetables in the kitchen on Christmas Eve while my parents and my spouse talked in the other room, I stopped and closed my eyes and just drank in the amazing amount of love I was surrounded by in that moment.

The crazy thing is, these weren’t big, planned, moments. They were quiet and lovely. And a large part of what life is actually all about.

I’d love to hear all about your pretty, little moments in the comments below. Please share!

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