Except, actually I don’t …
I’m headed to New York on Saturday, first for vacation and then for the Romance Writer’s of America (RWA) Conference. So this week is a whirl of travel prep – which for me means lots of laundry and an attempt to tie up some lose ends at both my day job and my writing job.
While I’m busy doing that, I thought I would share a couple of blog posts and interviews I’ve done during the first half of my Neverending Beginnings blog tour this month. You can also check out my itinerary for the rest of the month here.
- I shared some of the songs that inspired me while writing the book on Living Life with Joy and also did a fun interview with Airelle (in which we learn I am not very good at picking this or that).
- Over on Hey Said Renee, I wrote about the real life inspiration for the toast Kate gives in the opening scene of the book. I also shared some things we can learn about how NOT to give a toast through Kate’s story.
- I had a great time hanging out and chatting with Julie Valerie at my book signing earlier this month. Check out our interview on her blog.
I’ll be back next week, hopefully with some fun New York pictures! I’d love to hear about your travel plans this summer (actual or virtual) – tell me all about it in the comments!
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