So I’m mostly a minimalist. My decor preferences trend towards the modern and I have a thing for pop art, sleek lines and all things clutter-free. This is true of my home, my office, and my home office (i.e. the couch). The only place it doesn’t ring true: my nightstand.
No, seriously. In a house free of clutter, my nightstand just . . . well . . . isn’t.
Recently I stopped to ponder the stacks of books/journals on my nightstand. What do they mean? (Full disclosure, I have degrees in Psychology and Counseling, thinking about things like this amuses me in a way that may or may not be normal.) Anyway, here’s what I determined our night stands say about us.
If you have piles of books (like me) you are a lover of words. You like to slowly sip your books and drink in every bit of goodness. One at a time is not enough. There is a book for every mood.
If you have one book. You are focused. You know exactly what you want and you go after it. Start to finish. You also have a good memory about what you’d like to read next. (Or a list on your iPhone).
If you have no books. You don’t like to read in bed. You are well-rested.
If you have a journal you are reflective and insightful. Also, disciplined.
If you have random scraps of paper with half-legible notes jotted down in dark, you are a writer.
If you have an iPhone, etc. you either: a. read books on it; b. work way too much; or c. don’t have another type of alarm clock. (I genuinely hope it’s a. or c.)
If there’s a phone that isn’t a cell phone on your nightstand, you’re probably in a hotel. Hopefully on vacation.
One of those little book lights, you stay up later than the person you share a bed with.
A glass of water, you’re super healthy (or had a salty dinner).
Pictures of friends, family or friends like family, you’re loved. Never alone. Grateful.