What’s On For the Holidays …

Just a few little notes about what’s on my playlist, my nightstand, and my stove these days. (Special Holiday Edition)

On My Holiday Playlist:

I’m more grateful than I’m ever really able to articulate for years of happy childhood memories. Not the least of which are Christmas seasons filled with family and friends. The first notes of this song bring all that back. A few years ago, I found my original scratched-up-sticks-on-several-tracks-vinyl copy. It’s perfectly imperfect and the absolute best way to kick off the season.

On My Nightstand Wishlist: I’d love it if either of these books showed up under my tree this Christmas:


I’ve listened to several podcast interviews with Glennon about Love Warrior (pretty sure I’ve posted about at least one of those here). I’ve been loving her thoughts on “being still” and focusing on the “next right thing,” so this book has been on my TBR list for a while.

I met Amy Impellizzeri two years ago at the very first51eyzrg6ktl Women’s Fiction Writer’s Association retreat. Which also happens to be where she got the idea that sparked her latest novel The Secrets of Worry Dolls. In addition to the fact that the book sounds amazing, I remember her talking about spending a few hours writing in a charming little coffee shop near our hotel. Those words were the beginnings of this story, so there will be something really cool, and very full-circle about holding the book in my hands.

On my Stove For Sharing: Or more accurately, in my oven. As an adult, holiday baking has become one of my favorite parts of the season. Even if I don’t do a lot, it’s fun to pull our those more elaborate recipes that I aren’t my everyday staples. Last year, I made Elisabeth Lane’s Lavender Earl Grey Tea Cookies, and they’re on the list again for this year. (In fact, there’s some lavender sitting in a container of sugar in my kitchen right now.) But I’m also really wanting to try a cookie with orange marmalade– maybe these if I’m feeling adventurous, but more likely something like this. And of course I’ll make at least one loaf of the amazing cranberry bread, from the recipe I demanded Julia Kelly send me when she posted a picture of the loaf she baked.

I’d love to hear about what’s going on in your world (holiday-wise or otherwise) in the comments below. What are you enjoying right now?


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2 thoughts on “What’s On For the Holidays …”

  1. A warm reflection. This is the season of Advent and the sense of anticipation was heightened when I got to hear the Messiah at the Carpenter Theater, all the best to you.

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