Craft Beer & the Craft of Writing


I write a blog post every month about pairing books and beer, so it seems only right that I welcome all the amazing authors descending on my city this weekend for the James River Writers conference by providing information about the ever-inspiring Richmond craft beer scene. I have to say, being the self-elected purveyor of this important information feels a little daunting to me. There’s a lot of delicious beer in Richmond– what if I forget to list a brewery? And what if the one that I forget was going to be that one writer from Super Far Away’s absolute favorite because pumpkin infused with maple syrup and aged in bourbon barrels is their thing (that’s not snark– it is actually sort of my thing, this time of year).

Luckily, while visiting one of my fabulous local breweries recently, I spied a handy brochure that featured a map of the RVA Beer Trail, put out by the estimable and my fears evaporated. All you have to do if you want to learn about all the great beer in my city is visit their site. There’s a map, and links to websites for each brewery. So there you have it. No brewery left unmentioned and my job here is done. Welcome to Richmond, writers — go forth and find your favorite brew, whether it involves pumpkin, maple, and barrel-aging or not!

*In all seriousness, there is so much great food and beer in my city, so if you’re visiting for the conference (or anything else), feel free to reach out to me for recommendations!

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